Testing is Dead – in which world?

Few weeks back I participated in VodQA event by Thoughworks. It was a day filled with lots of power packed sessions and discussions around the topic testing – sorry QA (that is how TW calls testing as).

My talk was around the topic about alleged death of testing and implications of the same on people who live and make their living by testing.

The slides of the talk are here and video of the talk is on youtube (thanks TW)

Folks organizing the event did a wonderful job of arranging a platform and have people exchange their views on testing. There was this “open house” where an adhoc group of people assembled at a place to discuss about a topic that one of them wanted talk about. There was passion and energy all around. I said to myself – in such an assembly of about 50-70 people – who could believe “testing is dead”. It was  a real thing for the people in the event.

One thing that I wanted the listeners of the talk – was this idea of “two worlds of interpretation” – software makers world and software users world.  More about that later in a separate post.


4 responses to “Testing is Dead – in which world?”

  1. I wish the audio quality could have been little better in the video in youtube, unable to hear anything.

  2. Yes, the audio a little tough to hear. But your implicit view on QA and testing where you say that some people call testing = QA or something like that is quite interesting. Testing is certainly not QA and testing is certainly not dead but morphing. QA is the assurance of quality, and we do that in the current world through testing. There are also other QA activities that work toward improving or assuring quality, hence QA is not the same as testing. Testing, a critical activity of QA is dying in the traditional monkey tester sense, and now has become a higher skilled profession, so for sure, it is not dying.

  3. This is an interesting topic and I wish I could attend this group of discussion especially on software maker’s world.

    software testing

  4. I agree with you that these kind of meetings should be held for information and brain storming. Even I like the topic you have shared with the community, I am sure you will have some beneficial answers from the community regarding your choosen questions.

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